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About 350 Iraqi civilians and six US troops have been treated for exposure to chlorine gas.

About 30 percent believed that teen sex is fine as long as it is consensual, and 55 percent said it depends on how much the two love each other. 约30%的受访学生认为,至于性关系,只要双方自愿就可以,55%的人认为这得看两人相爱的程度。
About 30% of the newspapers and magazines published in Fukien Christian University were learning magazines which were warmly welcome in academic world. 此外,协大出版了大量的报刊,其中,约占总数30%的报刊为学术期刊,因而“颇受国内教育界的欢迎”。
About 300 cats, nearly a third of them dead, were removed from an elderly woman's Virginia home after neighbors complained of a stench coming from the house, police said on Tuesday. 美国警方周二声称,他们从弗吉尼亚州一位老太家中运走了大约300只猫,其中约三分之一是死猫。之前,警方接到老太邻居们的抗议,他们抱怨说老太的房子里散发出恶臭。
About 31,000 people live in the camp. 大约有31,000难民在这里生活。
About 350 Iraqi civilians and 6 U.S. troops have been treated for exposure to chlorine gas. 大约有350名平民和6名美军由于受到氯气影响而送院治疗。
About 350 Iraqi civilians and six US troops have been treated for exposure to chlorine gas. 由于氯气泄漏,大约350名伊拉克平民以及6名美国士兵被送往医院检查。
About 36 percent of Cambodia's 59,000 Buddhist monks smoke cigarettes, workshop organizers said. 此次研讨会的组织者称,在柬埔寨5.9万名僧侣中有36%的人都是瘾君子。
About 38 million poultry in Vietnam either died from the disease or were culled, representing about 15 percent of the country\'s fowl. 在越南大约有3800万家禽死于疫病或是被扑杀,大约占家禽总量的百分之十五。
About 3889 components were detected in all 10 runs. 在总共10次分析中共检测出3889个组分。
About 3pm,I were writing the answer on the papers, and a nice and beautiful girl classmate gave one page of paper to me, I wrote the answer follow it. 大约到下午三点,我才开始动笔,坐在旁边书桌的一位漂亮的女同学给了一篇我抄。
About 4.8 million Filipinos are unemployed and 8.4 million are underemployed, bringing the number of people looking for work or still looking for additional sources of work to 13 million. 大约480万菲国人民处在失业状态,约840万人民未充分就业,导致约130万人正在寻找工作或正寻求额外的工作机会。

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