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In a market economy, the demand and supply curves intersect at the market price (Figure 4).

In a majority of patients who have liposuction alone, I think I could improve the result with surgical excision of the remainder of the breast tissue. 对大多数只做抽脂的病人,我可以用外科手术切除残留的乳房组织以改善结果。
In a man of average build, BAC will predictably rise 0.02% per ounce of spirits consumed. 一般身材的人体内的血液酒精含量每盎司蒸馏酒提高0.02%。
In a manner befitting a father. 父亲般地像一个父亲似地
In a manual system, credit sales, purchases on account, cash receipts, and cash payments are treated as four separate ca tegories, with each type entered into its own special journal. 在手工会计系统中,赊销、赊购、现金收款和现金付款被分为四个不同的种类,每一种会计事项都记录在特殊的日记账中。
In a market economy the decision making would be decentralized under the control of millions of individual consumers and producers. 在市场经济中,由于受众多的消费者和生产者的控制,决策制定将是分散的。
In a market economy, the demand and supply curves intersect at the market price (Figure 4). 在市场经济中,供给曲线的交会点是市场价格(图4)。
In a matrix based ascension, one is relying upon electrical based energy that comes from somewhere outside of oneself or the matrixes themselves to hold one's vibration. 在一个基于矩阵的提升中,你正依赖于你体外某处的电性能量或矩阵来持有你的振动。
In a matter of five minutes, the Heat went from drafting a potential backup power forward in Smith to landing Cook, who was regarded as one of the draft's better shooters. 在约5分钟内,热火新秀从一个大前换到了一个得分后卫,该后卫被认为是今年新秀中最好的射手之一。
In a medium bowl, combine orange, grapefruit, scallions, tomatoes, remaining tablespoon each lime juice and olive oil, zests, salt and pepper, diced jalape?o, cilantro and tomatillos. Set aside. 取一只中等的碗,放入橘子,柚子,大葱和小西红柿,剩下的一大汤匙的酸橙汁和一大汤匙橄榄油,盐和胡椒粉,切片的墨西哥胡椒,芫荽叶和粘果酸浆,搅拌。
In a medium bowl, combine peaches, blackberries, strawberries, honey and cardamom. Toss together and refrigerate. 在一个中号碗中,将桃子,黑霉,草莓,蜂蜜和斗粉搅拌,摇匀,冷藏.
In a medium bowl, combine the currants, breadcrumbs, mint, and minced garlic. Season well with salt and pepper. 在一中碗内混和红醋栗、面包糠、薄荷及蒜蓉,以盐及胡椒调味。

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