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B: Yes, it really suits you.

B: Yes, if you have a laptop, just co ect to the hotel internet service. All rooms have broadband. 是的,如果你有笔记本电脑的话,把它和旅馆的互联网系统连接上就可以了。所有的房间都有宽带。
B: Yes, in Europe they charge a commission 1% of the amount of the claim for their services. 会的。在欧洲,他们就其提供的服务收取索赔总额1%的佣金。
B: Yes, in the Chinese style. 是的。要中国式的。
B: Yes, it is an i ide room on the eighth floor. 好的,这是一个8楼内侧的房间。
B: Yes, it is an inside room on the eighth floor. 好的,这是一个8楼内侧的房间。
B: Yes, it really suits you. 是的,它非常适合你。
B: Yes, it was very well deserved as she plays the part so convincingly. 是啊,我觉得她应该得这个奖,她演的角色非常令人信服。
B: Yes, it's Philpott, Douglas Phipott. 好,我是菲尔波特,道格拉斯·菲尔波特。
B: Yes, it's Thursday, not Tuesday. 是的,是星期四,不是星期二。
B: Yes, it's for my wife. Could you gift-wrap it for me? 是的,是给我妻子的。你能帮我把礼物包装起来吗?
B: Yes, it's good. Sichuan cuisine is really nice. 是的,是不错。川菜非常辣。

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