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After a person stops drinking, impairment will continue about 25% over the next hour.

After a period of rapid inflation, price have now reach a plateau. 经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳。
After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau. 经急剧通货膨胀之后物价现已趋于平稳.
After a period of scientific study, he hopes the cave can be turned into a major local tourist attraction. 在完成科学研究之后,他希望洞穴能成为当地的一大旅游游览胜地。
After a period of time there was nothing but beauty and peace as far as the eye could see. 一段时间以后,人们目光所及之处都是美丽和宁静的所在。
After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. 一段时期之后,如果有必要,您会与他们发展出一种新的关系。
After a person stops drinking, impairment will continue about 25% over the next hour. 即便停止饮酒了,血液酒精含量也会在下一个小时里持续升高25%。
After a plenty self-training, Qunny can steal one item from a target hero. 在充足的自我训练之后,奎尼将能从目标英雄身上偷走一个物品。
After a poor showing at their first FIFA Women's World Cup in 2003, with three defeats in three games, the Argentinians analysed their shortcomings and set about rectifying them straightaway. 以三战皆负的差劲演出结束了她们2003年首次女足世界杯之旅,阿根廷人分析她们的不足,而且着手从事尽快地订正。
After a post-operative radio-therapy, the patient has been going well for 18 months. 特别是分化不良者,不论肿瘤大小,均须早期接受积极性之手术加上术后之放射线治疗。
After a postdoc at Princeton University and another short stint at Utrecht, he went to Duke University, where he was professor of biological anthropology until he returned to the Old World in 2004. 他在美国普林斯顿大学做过博士后研究,回到乌特列兹短暂停留后,就到美国杜克大学担任生物人类学教授,直到2004年才回到旧世界。
After a pregnancy about 10 months, usually one young is produced. 一年两次发情,孕期10个月,一胎一仔。

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