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Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no hail.

Only in such a way can the experimental teaching level be improved. 因此,公安院校必须不断进行实验教学的改革与创新、全面系统的提高实验教学水平。
Only in the 20th century have people become conscious of the fragility of nature and thus started to conserve resources. 直到20世纪人们才意识到大自然的脆弱,因而开始节约自然资源。
Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization. “风俗习惯”,体现了每一文化制约每个公民的理想准则,它是在这种信仰中发展而来的,即一个社会的基础在于个人能力的培养,并将这些个人能力置于对社会的服务之中。
Only in the increasingly bizarre world of the big match do we find nothing unusual in 20,000 people arriving with tickets and the same number arriving without but still expecting to get in, with nothing to do but drink and mill around and fume at their pr 只有在越来越荒谬的足球重大比赛的世界里,我们会觉得这样的事情没有什么不寻常的:2万人带着球票去雅典,而同样多的人也去了,却没有球票,他们还希望能够进场,可所做的却只是喝酒,然后走来走去为自己的境遇而愤怒,直到恚恨、怨嗔和吵闹酿成了雅典奥林匹克球场外我们看到的那一幕。
Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail. 26惟独以色列人所住的歌珊地没有冰雹。
Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no hail. 出9:26惟独以色列人所住的歌珊地、没有冰雹。
Only in the mercantilist mindset of trade negotiations, after all, is tariff-cutting a “concession”. 只有在重商主义者脑子里才会把贸易谈判,最终是关税减让,看成是“退让”。
Only in the most exceptional circumstance is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events. 只有在非常特殊的情形下,专利的保护期才可能延长,从而改变正常的操作过程.
Only in the past 40 years have scientists been equipped with instruments and methods for discerning the facts of hypnosis from exaggerated claims. 直到40年前,科学家才有了适当的工具及研究方法,可以区别催眠的真相和夸大的言论。
Only in the past decade and a half, however, has it been possible to watch the living human brain in action in a way that begins to show in detail what happens while it is happening (see survey). 人们可以现时观测大脑的活动,看看它工作时会呈现出何种细节状态,这不过是近15年间的事。
Only in the past few years have geologists figured out the source of the arsenic and fluorine: coal. 直到过去几年,地质学家才找出砷与氟的来源:煤。

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