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It is mianly equipped with rice hulling machine for milling unpolished rice into polished rice and milling polished rice from rough rice by one time and is widely suitable for rice mills in urban and rural areas.

It is mentality instead of environment that changes you fate. 是心态而不是环境在改变你的命运。
It is mentioned in the Puranas that the masses worshipped the solar deity in its symbolic forms of disc, wheel, lotus and Swastika. . 印度史诗提到群众以太阳的圆盘,轮,莲花和纳粹党所用的十字记号象征形象崇拜太阳神。
It is merely a hypothesis , so far , and my own . 迄今为止,这仅仅是一种假设。而且是我个人的假设。
It is merely a pretense. 这只是托词而已。
It is merely coincidence that some SCM tools use textual diffs as their repository deltas. 这仅在一些配置管理工具直接使用文本的差别作为它们库的增量的时候一致。
It is mianly equipped with rice hulling machine for milling unpolished rice into polished rice and milling polished rice from rough rice by one time and is widely suitable for rice mills in urban and rural areas. 主要与砻谷机配套、将糙米碾成白米,也可将稻谷一次碾成白米,广泛适用于城市、农村的大米加工厂。
It is midnight and we are now closing down. 时间已到午夜,本台现在停止广播。
It is mightily convenient, if you deprive your citizens of political liberties, to portray these as a bourgeois luxury. 这样的国家倘若要剥夺公民的政治自由权利,只需随口说一句“这些权利乃资产阶级的奢侈品”就够了。
It is mindful of the way cheap money in the 1980s stoked up such a firestorm of investment in the private sector that stock and land prices soared. 现在的态势让人们想起1980年代的低息贷款是怎样引燃了私人投资的燎原大火,将股指和房价一路推升的。
It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. 35他们失脚的时候,伸冤报应在我。因他们遭灾的日子近了。那要临在他们身上的必速速来到。
It is misfortune for me to slip for the bananas. 我真倒霉,踩在香蕉皮上滑倒了。

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