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The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity.

The regular scripts of Ou Yangxun, Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan stand for the great achievements in the early, prosperous and late periods of Tang Dynasty respectively. 摘要欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权的楷书分别代表了初唐、盛唐、晚唐三个不同时期的楷书成就。
The regular season belongs to Dallas and, barring some sort of hard-to-fathom fold, Nowitzki officially should be the MVP at the end of the third trimester as well. 本赛季常规赛属于达拉斯,带着些不容变更的起伏,诺维斯基在第三学期结束也应该成为MVP。
The regular season is just on it wheels and lost to a champion team of NBA doesn't mean humiliation. 现在常规赛刚刚开始,输给一只NBA的冠军球队一点也不丢人。
The regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana. 经常收发短信和电子邮件会降低你的IQ,损害程度甚至是吸食大麻对智力损害程度的两倍多。
The regularity auditor obtains a general understanding of environmental laws and regulations that could result in the material misstatement of the financial statements or which may have a fundamental impact on the operations of an entity. 常规的审计人员要获得能够导致财务报告出现重要误报或者对实体的运营有根本冲击的有关环境的法律和规章的总体理解。
The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity. 习惯的规律性通常与其荒谬的程度成正比。
The regularity of these errors shows that the learners interlanguage is incomplete, systematic and unstable. 中国学生从句错误的规律性体现了中介语的不完备性、系统性和不稳定性。
The regulated products include architectural paints/coatings, printing inks, and six types of consumer goods. 受规管产品包括建筑漆料/涂料、印墨、以及六类消费品。
The regulating handle consists of manoeuvring valve pos. no. 01 and handle mechanism. 调节手柄由操纵阀01和手柄机构组成。
The regulating handle is fitted with a fine speed adjust knob and a latch. 调节手柄配有一个细的速度调整旋扭一个锁销。
The regulation does not allow for any deviation from this effective date. 该规定对任何生效期后的违规均不予通融。

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