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Judge from the aroma,the food must be tasted delicious.

Judge John Jones said that intelligent design is not science. 琼斯法官说“才智设计”不是一门科学。
Judge Johnson recessed the trial. 约翰逊法官宣布休庭。
Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled Monday that the lawsuit was unreasonable and ordered Pearson to pay court costs for the dry cleaners. 法官朱迪丝.巴特诺夫星期一裁决,这起诉讼毫无理由,命令皮尔逊支付乾洗店店主的法庭费用。
Judge Smith is known as a navy buff, and Fisher was a Royal Navy admiral who developed the idea for a giant battleship called the HMS Dreadnought in the early 20th century. 彼得·史密斯对海军颇感兴趣,费希尔是一名皇家海军上将,他于20世纪早期就详细地规划要造一艘名为HMS大无畏的巨型战舰。
Judge Stephens allowed no foolishness when he held court. 斯蒂芬斯法官在开庭时不准人胡闹。
Judge from the aroma,the food must be tasted delicious. 根据香味来判断,这食物一定很好吃.
Judge from the words he said before leaving,we will not see him again. 从他临别的话看来,我们是不会再见到他了。
Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 13你们自己审察,女人祷告神,不蒙着头,是合宜的吗。
Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man. 1神阿,求你伸我的冤,向不虔诚的国,为我辨屈。求你救我脱离诡诈不义的人。
Judge nixes custody bid for Jackson kids. 杰克逊孩子抚养权不拍卖!
Judge not ,that ye be not judge. 勿对人非议,以免自己受非议。

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