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The anatomical model、partial task trainer 、 computer interactive system 、virtual reality and physical driven simulator, all of which are of some importance and indispensable for medical study.

The analyzed low-pressure center at the surface was located ~8 km east of the mesocyclone. 所分析的地面低压中心位于中(尺度)气旋之东约8公里处。
The analyzed results gave theoretical basis for studying the ground collapse and improving the ecological environment. 分析结果为地表沉陷规律研究和后期地表生态环境治理提供了理论依据。
The anaphoric relation is one of the two kinds of endophoric relations. 摘要回指是从上文获取照应语的所指,属于内指照应。
The anarchical state of the country district after the coup. 政变后国家行政地区的无政府状态。
The anarchist is apt to lose his temper. 那个无政府主义者很容易发脾气。
The anatomical model、partial task trainer 、 computer interactive system 、virtual reality and physical driven simulator, all of which are of some importance and indispensable for medical study. 基础解剖示教模型、局部功能性模型、计算机互动模型、虚拟培训系统、生理驱动模拟系统,这五部分各自具有不同功能,在医学生培养中缺一不可。
The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body. 局部解剖身体某特定区域或部分的解剖后的结构
The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of Taxus chinensis var. mairei. was investigated in this paper. 摘要对自然状态下南方红豆杉茎干向下萌生的气生不定根进行解剖学观察。
The anatomy of the skull base is complex. Learn it in the laboratory before going to the operating room. 颅底解剖很复杂,要事先在实验室进行学习。
The anatomy, histology and development of the androgenic gland was observed in Penaeus chinensis. 摘要作者对中国对虾促雄性腺的位置、形态和组织结构以及变化过程进行了观察。
The ancestor in the painting stared down at us menacingly. 油画中的祖先在向下凝视着我们。

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