The congresswoman from San Francisco, who became the country's first female speaker of the House of Representatives on January 4th, planned to celebrate her swearing-in with three days of carefully choreographed festivities, including a concert, a “people
这位来自于旧金山的女议员,在1月4日这天,成为了美国历史上第一位众议院的女议长,她安排了持续三天的精心排练的节目,来庆祝她宣誓就职,这些节目包括音乐会,国会山上的“群众”接待会,以及故地重游她的家乡巴尔的摩,这里有一条街道将以她的名字命名。 |
The conical bunch shape, the circular and oblate berry shape, soft fresh, and flavor-less are the main characteristics of grape germplasm resources.
在丰富的多样性中,具有圆锥形、圆形和短椭圆形果粒、软肉、无香味的品种最多,其他穗形、果形、硬度和特殊香味特徵均是葡萄的遗传变异中人为选择的结果。 |
The conical-shaped pine trees were the main reasons why I took this picture. Do they look like they were done by a giant with a huge pair of scissors?
这个圆锥形的松树是我拍此照的主要原因,它们看起来像不像是巨人用大剪刀修剪而成的? |
The conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune shows creative imagination.
木星与海王星的合相显示出富创意的想象力。 |
The conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus produces a good deal of restlessness in your nature.
木星与天王星的合相产生出你高度的活跃本质。 |
The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter produces an abundance of energy and enthusiasm.
火星跟木星之间的合相带来过多的能量及热情。 |
The conjunction of Mars and Neptune gives the personality strong psychic magnetism.
火星跟海王星的合相为你的个性赋予了强烈的通灵磁性。 |
The conjunction of Mars and Saturn shows that you can use your energies constructively.
火星跟土星的合相显示出你可以有建设性地使用你的能量。 |
The conjunction of Mars and Uranus produces an unrestricted, forceful, and energetic nature.
火星跟天王星的合相带来了不受约束的、强势及精力充沛的天性。 |
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto shows amazing reserves of tenacity and self-discipline.
土星与冥王星的合相显示出令人惊奇的坚强意志及自我管制的保留态度。 |
The conjunction of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding .
暴风雨的同时发生引起了洪水泛滥。 |