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I often read far into the night.

I often look ahead to the new millennium and wonder,What will happen when we have millions of people who will need financial and medical assistance. 我常常前瞻新世纪并犹豫着,当千百万人将会需要经济和医疗援助的时候,会是怎么样的景况?
I often make room for old people on buses. 坐公共汽车的时候我经常给老人让座。
I often nod off for a little while after lunch. 我在午饭後常睡一小觉.
I often piss a puddle to look at my true reflection. In fact, it is a type of conditioning. 自己经常撒泡尿照照自己,其实也是一种修炼。
I often post some cards to my teachers on Teachers' Day. 教师节时我经常给老师寄卡片。
I often read far into the night. 我经常读书到深夜。
I often read this paper because it‘s very informative. 我经常读这份报纸,因为它的信息量很大。
I often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life. 我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。
I often remember a sermon given by an Anglican Priest in Australia at a Rotary Ecumenical Service last March when I was representing the President at a District Conference. 我常想起去年三月,我代表国际扶轮社长参加地区年会时一位圣公会的牧师在澳洲的一个扶轮全基督教服务中的一场布道中所说的一段话。
I often reread slowly really good ideas and blur over things that don't interest me. 我一般会跳过那些不感兴趣的话题而详读那些好的观点。
I often see her talking with other women and dishing the dirt about someone. 我经常看到她和其他的女人在一起东家长,西家短地说人家的闲话。

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