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A Mauritanian looks at a sky filled by a desert locust swarm near Kaedi, southern Mauritania, in this recent picture released Thursday Aug. 5, 2004 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd. 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。
A Mass is a kind of Church service. 恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。
A Massachusetts company is working on a new generation of robots that would help American soldiers in battle. The machines won't look anything like the Terminator, though. By Mark Baard. 机器人参加战斗?呵呵。不知道在伊拉克的美国军人看到这个消息会作何感想。
A Matching Grant from The Rotary Foundation helped Rotarians finish off a well and perform other structural work. 扶輪基金会拨给配合奖助金帮助扶輪社员盖一口井,及进行其他工程。
A Material node itself is simply a shading model; an algorithm that simulates the physics of how light behaves when it strikes a surface. 一个材质节点本身是一个简单的材质模型;一个在光照在表面的物理模拟的运算法则。
A Mauritanian looks at a sky filled by a desert locust swarm near Kaedi, southern Mauritania, in this recent picture released Thursday Aug. 5, 2004 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 在联合国粮农组织8月5日(周四)提供的一张照片中,在毛里塔尼亚南部的克地附近,一名男子面对漫天遍野的沙漠蝗虫一筹莫展。
A Maximum Time Difference Pipelined Arithmetic Unit Based on CMOS Gate Array. J.Computer Science and Technology, 10(2), 1995, (with Z.Tang). 大规模并行处理系统的反图互连网络。香港—北京国际计算机会议论文集,北京,1997,(与韩承德等合作),(特邀报告)。
A May 7, 2004 file photo shows Peruvian President Toledo (L) and Interior Minister Javier Reategui. Reategui re-signed on January 10, 2005, over his handling of a four-day uprising by nationalist ex-soldiers. 这是2004年5月7日拍摄的秘鲁内政部长哈维尔·雷亚泰吉与总统托莱多(左)的资料照片。雷亚泰吉因最近发生的延续4天的退役军人武装叛乱事件,2005年1月10日引咎辞职。
A Maybe I can translate some for you. 也许我能给你翻译一下。
A Maybe I will. Is she Chinese? 也许我会买的。她是中国人吗?
A Maybe he'll get married soon. 也许他很快就会结婚的。

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