Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.
莫漫不经心地蹉跎光阴或口无遮拦。时间与言词两者都是一放便收不回来。 |
Don't use too much fertilizer.
不要使用过多的肥料。 |
Don't use unnecessary parentheses for builtins and honorarybuiltins.
对于内建函数没必要带括号的就不要带括号。这样加强可读性。 |
Don't use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with.
不要把肥皂用尽,留一些给我洗。 |
Don't use wet hand to touch the power switch and also don't touch the wires that has been broken.
不要用湿的手去碰电源开关;千万不要碰破损的电线。 |
Don't use your napkin to clean your face. Just put it on your lap.
不可使用餐巾擦拭你的脸,把它放在大腿上! |
Don't vacillate about asking for assistance if you need it.
如果需要的话,不要犹豫向别人寻求帮助。 |
Don't violate moral codes.
不要违反道德的准则。 |
Don't violate people's rights, lest you be rejected by them. Don't shirk responsibility, lest you lose your credit.
对人不侵犯,侵犯别人,必将见弃于人;责己不推诿,推诿责任,必难获信于人。 |
Don't wail up for me. I may be back after midnight.
你不用等我了,我也许要午夜以后才会回来。 |
Don't wait a second. Update your CV now, and continue to update it regularly.
不要浪费生命中的每一秒钟。现在,每天都把你的个人履历表进行更新。 |