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Those baggy pants just don't do you justice.

Those ascending to 6000 and mastering Bodhisattva will be the new wave of leadership for the coming 25-year cycle. 提升到6000股并掌握菩萨的那些人将成为未来25年周期内领导阶层的新浪潮。
Those ascending to this level will move beyond polarity enough that one will be able to create a loving partnership if this is what one desires, along with preoccupations that one loves, and living in a region that brings one joy. 那些提升到这一级别者将足够超越极性;如果你这样渴望的话,你将能创造一位可爱的提升伴侣﹑一份你所热爱的职业,并生活在带给你欢乐的地区中。
Those assets that originated from government appropriation or social donation and sponsorship must be subject to supervision by the auditing agency. 资产来源属于国家拨款或者社会捐赠、资助的,必须接受审计机关的监督。
Those athletes were strung up before the race. 那些运动员在赛跑前振奋起来了。
Those available for download have a direct link to the text listed next to the bibliographic entry. 所有可供下载的阅读资料,皆可直接由下列参考书目后的划底线部分点选下载。
Those baggy pants just don't do you justice. 那些宽松的裤子并不适合你。
Those bamboo beams will not bear . 这几根竹制的横梁承受不住压力。
Those ban-mannered persons will cost for their bad-manners sooner or later. 那些不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。
Those batteries were changed yesterday. 那些电池是昨天换的。
Those beams will need to be replaced; it looks as though woodworm has set in. 那些大梁该换了, 看样子里面生了蛀虫了.
Those behind the Madrid bombings of 2004 were of Moroccan extraction. 2004年马德里爆炸事件制造者拥有摩洛哥血统。

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