To beautify life is to give it an object.
美化生命就是给生命一个目标。 |
To become Lucid in dream you need to program yourself with a trigger to make you realise when you are dreaming, in order to take control over it, i.e., become lucid.
在梦中变得清醒,你就必须为自己设计一个扳机,当你在做梦时以使你能够感知,以对梦境进行控制,即:变得清醒。 |
To become a Chartered Certified Accountant, you must satisfy ACCA's practical training requirements in addition to passing the professional examinations. Please refer to the ACCA Global brochure for more information.
成为一名特许公认会计师,您必须满足特许公认会计师公会的培训要求,并通过专业的考试.请参阅特许公认会计师公会的国际手册来得到更多详情。 |
To become a great player, he had to go elsewhere.
为了成为一名伟大的球员,麦迪还需要继续前行。 |
To become a real hacker, you have to hack. You cannot just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBS's. This is not what hacking is all about.
要想成为真正的黑客,要真正的去做黑客应该做的事,而不是仅仅读些黑客的文章,并呆在BBS中。 |
To become a ringmaster, you must realize that there's a time and a place for everything. Successful time managers realize that it's all about dscipline.
要做一个驯兽师,就必须明白“万事皆有时宜”。成功的时间管理者懂得凡事都要有条理。 |
To become a third part test house, the DLMS China UA has to become a full member and has to purchase the Conformance Test tool.
为成为第三方性测试机构,DLMS中国用户协会必须成为完全成员并购买符合性测试工具。 |
To become a war correspondent is my dream.
成为随军记者是我的梦想。 |
To become effortless requires great effort.
轻松(的游泳)需要(平时)巨大的努力。 |
To become militarily competent is the goal of the army.
寻求军事过硬是军队的目标。 |
To become more aware of Scouting information / programmes in one's own country, as well as in other countries.
对本国的童军信息或活动做深入了解,同时也试著了解他国的童军活动。 |