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The boughs that bear most hang lowest.

The bottom row shows the host galaxies before or after the stars exploded. 下面一行显示所在星系在恒星爆发前或爆发后的的样子。
The bottom slope source terms is treated with surface gradient method so as to obtain the high-order accuracy result in the scheme. 采用这种算法并对浅水方程的底坡源项按水面梯度法进行处理,可以获得较高精度的模拟结果。
The bottom ten countries are all African countries,with Sierra Leone(in West Africa)at the bottom of the list. 处于末端的十个国家均是非洲国家,塞拉利昂(西非)排在最后。
The bough that bears most, hangs lowest. 枝头结果越多,垂得越低。
The bough was loaded with fruit. 树枝上果实累累。
The boughs that bear most hang lowest. 大丈夫能屈能伸。
The boulder came to rest on his right hand, trapping him for five days with little food or water. 可怜的年轻人就这么被定在那里整整5天,而此前他就没打算多带水和食品。
The bouncing motion will drastically reduce the speed of the tremolo, but that's to be expected. 这个练习能彻底降低轮指的速度,那正是被期待的。
The boundaries are clearly marked off on the map. 边界的划分在地图上标得很清楚。
The boundaries between the two are becoming blurred, as bourses offer centrally cleared markets in foreign exchange and swaps. 当股票交易所开始提供集中清算过的外汇交易市场和互惠信贷市场的时候,两者的界限变得越来越模糊。
The boundary condition at bed surface of diffusion equation of nonuniform sediment is derived based on the concept of exchange intensity of stochastic theory by the author. 摘要文中首先给出了由我们建立的床面泥沙交换理论导出的非均匀沙扩散方程的边界条件。

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