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[situationis a particularly dangerous noun. Not only is it generally unnecessary, but it drags other unnecessary element agter it (in this instande, one where.

Zygomycosis are rare fungal infections occurring mainly in immunocompromised patients. 接合菌病是一种少见的真菌感染,主要发生于免疫功能不良的患者。
Zymosn in the kangsheng Multi-Nutriment is consist of Gluconsan and mannan.Zymosan is the most active glucosan in life-bodies,which has the function of human Immunity,Anti-cancer,Anti-Inflammation,Anti-Radiation and reduce the cholesterol. 康圣天元多价营养素中酵母多糖由葡聚糖和甘露聚糖组成,酵母葡聚糖是生物活性最强的葡聚汤,具有人体免疫、抗肿瘤、抗炎、抗辐射和降低胆固醇的作用。
Z:Nothing important.I just wonder whether my illness will relapse? or will affect my future life? 张:唉!也什么大事。我只是想,毛病是好了些,但是这种病会不会复发?会不会影响今后的生活?
[Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy.Boston Review , (April/May 1999. “民主论坛:是权利限制了民主吗?”,《波士顿评论》,1999年4/5月。
[Therefore I take opium. It is a medicine. 于是,我服下鸦片。它是药。
[situationis a particularly dangerous noun. Not only is it generally unnecessary, but it drags other unnecessary element agter it (in this instande, one where. 我想中文的原文可能说到“那时候中国东北的情况是。。。”这一类的话,所以又是犯了跟7,8类似的错误。
[103C0C8]ZIP: Whoops.? Satellite feed's showing$your train's about to roll. 糟了。卫星讯息显示$你的火车要开动了。
[410216B]I'd love to join you, but I forgot my trunks. 我很乐意加入你,不过我忘带游泳裤了。
[4C31556]This is only one piece of the Scion; Where's the rest of it? 这只是一片司祭盎,其他的在哪里?
[51C8EDC]ZIP: juice it from the control room$above you. 看上去它还是零负荷,你得去你上方的控制室给它充电。
[549B0C2]ALISTER: That's familiar enough.$So why were they shut down? 这种故事我听的多了(原文是,我对这个很熟悉)他们为什么要关闭(实验室)?

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