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It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him.

It is easier to fight one's principles than to live up to them. 为一个人的原则而斗容易过为它们而坚持.
It is easier to grow vegetables with fertile soil. 肥沃的土壤上较容易种植蔬菜。
It is easier to launch a new compact format than convert from larger format for reasons of advertising, history, and internal objections to change. 比起由于广告、历史和内部反对改变等因素而把大报改成小报,推出全新的小报式更为容易。
It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 制订了一个计划比执行它要容易些。
It is easier to pull down than build. 败事容易成事难。
It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him. 养虎易,驯虎难。
It is easier to regain your balance in the open stance. 在开方式步伐中你的平衡更容易保持。
It is easier to say hard work than to live up to it. 口头说努力比实践努力要容易的多。
It is easier to tell people to “click here”. 以前我经常犯这个错误。
It is easily operated and convenient for field use and has high precision as well. 操作简便,便于现场携带使用,具有很高的精确度。
It is easily the least of the four Scorpion films featuring Meiko Kaji; however, it is still engro ing whenever she is on the screen. 尽管这是在梶芽衣子主演的毒蝎子系列中水准最低的一部,但无论何时,只要她在屏幕上出现就足够了。

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