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Never ever miss a company event.

Never eat chocolate before dinner. 饭前不要吃巧克力。
Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. 如未掌握好已学过的东西,切莫从事更深的学习。
Never endanger to spell out what you 're not sure whether it's correct. 遇到自己不会拼写的单词千万别写。
Never engage in gossip. Make it a rule to say nothing about another unless it is something good. 不听不传小道消息。订一条规矩,不背后说人,除非说好话。
Never ever attempt to hibernate a tortoise which you suspect is ill. To put a sick or underweight tortoise into hibernation is to condemn it to certain death. 不要忘了,通常越小的龟龟越容易在冬眠中夭亡。非常小的龟龟需要短期的,非常小心控制下的冬眠。
Never ever miss a company event. 所以,千万不要错过任何一场公司的活动。
Never ever offer awful Arthur alfalfa. 千万不要给可怕的阿瑟紫花苜蓿。
Never ever part as lovers. 像情人一样永不分开。
Never expect luckiness!Our highest principle is :Never submit to any difficulty! 永远不指望幸运!我们的最高原则是:不论对任何困难都决不屈服!
Never feIt that way about anybody. Nope. No. 从没有对谁有过浪漫的感觉。没有,没。
Never fear a hard-beaked bird,but beware of a heart-eating worm. 不怕硬嘴鸟,最怕蛀心虫。

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