The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 |
The supreme happiness of lift is the conviction that we are loved.
生活中最大的幸福就是坚信有人爱我们。 |
The supreme happyless of life is the conviction that we are loved!
好有亲切感咯!我们那儿也有梯田。我也是湖南的。 |
The supreme purpose of history is a better world.
历史的终极目的是创造一个更加美好的世界。 |
The surer thing is that dismissing the manager won't come close to curing the problems this team has had.
明确的事情是将洋基经理解雇将不会帮助洋基治好目前的问题。 |
The surest sign of a change in the main trend is when a move on the 3-day Char is exceeded by 1 to 3¢.
在3日图中显示变动超过1-3美分时这就是一个大趋势改变的可靠信号。 |
The surest way to his woman's heart is to take aim kneeling.
要射中女人的心,最有把握的方法就是跪下来瞄个正准。 |
The surest way to hit woman's heart is to take aim kneel.
要射中女人的心,最有把握的方法就是跪下来瞄个正准。 |
The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense.
第二十条一般保证和连带责任保证的保证人享有债务人的抗辩权。 |
The surety waives in writing the right provided in the preceding paragraph.
(三)保证人以书面形式放弃前款规定的权利的。 |
The surey found only about 11 percent of neer-married adults had remained chaste.
该调查发现未婚成年人中只有11%从未有过性行为。 |