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Waiting for trades that you\'re sure are 100 pct profitable.) It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 pct sure of anything.

Waiting for a joy is also a joy. 等待快乐的过程也是一种快乐。
Waiting for a suggestion from above does nothing. Hoping to strike 4D is nothing. Rather, let us meet, let us talk, let us gather in discussion for a better Singapore. 祈望上天有所指示或希望中马票都于事无补。我们应该结合大家探讨如何把新加坡变成一个更好的家园。
Waiting for an attack to be launched and then attempting to defend against it might work in dojo drills when you know which attack will be used, but on the street you never know what’s coming your way, McCann says. It is more effective to concentrate on y 这是更有效地专注于自己的攻击比它就是等待你的对手作出首次动议.
Waiting for everything to go wrong all over again. 等着一次有一次重蹈覆辙。
Waiting for the dawn of the day. 等待着一天的黎明。
Waiting for trades that you\'re sure are 100 pct profitable.) It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 pct sure of anything. 你最好别让你自己相信你能对任何一件事百分之百地肯定。
Waiting for you to come back, maybe you is another person! 等你回来,也许你就是另一个人啦!
Waiting for you will annoy my patience, so I'll go along with you, and hereafter we'll be happy together. 等你回来会让我失去耐心,所以我决定和你一起走,这样从此以后我们就可以快乐地在一起。
Waiting in the elevator's corner, I watched with fascination as a girl got on,pushed 2and then 4. 电梯门就要关的时候,突然跑进一个女孩,我非常惊奇地发现,她居然一个人按了“2”和“4”两个楼层。
Waiting is painful, but it's also beautiful, coz it brings you hope in life. 等待是维系一段感情的基本元素。最重要的是你要与他同步成长,这样,等待虽是痛苦的,也是幸福的。
Waiting is wasting for people like me. 等待像我这样的人是在浪费生命。

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