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To predict the multiple dynamic behaviors of the suction pipe system of a trailing suction hoper dredger (TSHD) when it is dredging at sea under the un-quiet conditions, the forces acting on the system should be analyzed accurately.

To practice price discriminations against other operators who enjoy the same terms of exchange by offering an identical commodity or service. (三)提供相同商品或者服务,对具有同等交易条件的其他经营者实行价格歧视的。
To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 19报告神悦纳人的禧年。
To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to our hand. 16得以将福音传到你们以外的地方,并不是在别人界限之内,藉着他现成的事夸口。
To predict on the basis of past experience. 凭过去的经验来)预言或预测。
To predict reliability, a sound valve design, backed up by a stress analysis must be subjected to functional cycle testing under critical operating conditions. 为了实现预期的可靠性,需要科学的阀门设计,建立在应力分析基础上,并在关键工作环境下进行功能性循环测试。
To predict the multiple dynamic behaviors of the suction pipe system of a trailing suction hoper dredger (TSHD) when it is dredging at sea under the un-quiet conditions, the forces acting on the system should be analyzed accurately. 摘要为预测耙吸式挖泥船远海施工时耙吸管系统在非静态环境中的多体动力学行为,要求准确分析作用在该系统上的力。
To prepare a monthly Financial Monitoring Pack providing analysis of financial performance to budget holders. 准备月度财务控制报告,为预算单位提供财务分析报告。
To prepare and ensure the Contract data (schedule, cost, manufacturing progress, payment status) is kept fully up to date for the assigned project and reportable when required. 确保本人负责的项目的合同数据(进度计划、成本、生产进度、付款情况)是最新的准确的,并随时可供汇报。
To prepare contract document for erection of equipments structure Hydraulics etc. review and compare various offers have subsequent discussions and recommend for finalizing the contractor. 制定设备的装配结构和水力原理的文件.审核并比较各方案进行后续讨论并最终推荐合适的供应商.
To prepare each student with a solid foundation in music and an expansive education in the liberal arts. 使学生获得坚固的音乐基础和广泛的文学艺术方面的教育。
To prepare for an attack by raiders, Kardaine prays to the Father to inspire courage. 为了抵御掠袭者攻击,卡典向天父祈祷让他鼓起勇气。

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