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Sometime the sand felt the freshwater mussel moved and opened, what came in his sight was sea face, sun light, boats and human, human looked him in delight sight, he looked around himself, knowing himself become a pearl.

Sometime during this century, people will question the validity of the fiat money system. 在本世纪,人们会开始质疑法定货币制度的有效性。
Sometime in April and May, 1980, DHL-SINOTRANS Ltd. in Hong Kong held discussion with the Guangzhou Municipal Post Office in Guangdong Province about the express delivery service. 一九八0年四、五月间,香港敦豪公司与广东省广州市邮局商办速递文件业务。
Sometime in the interim, the first living entity must have been crafted from air, water and rock. 这段期间,第一个生物必定是以空气、水和岩石建造的。
Sometime in this year (or late in 1979) Voldemort is informed of Sibyll Trelawney's first prediction: that a boy with the potential to vanquish him would be born at the end of July. 在这一年的某个时候(或者1979年底),伏地魔获悉西比尔?特里劳妮的第一个预言:一个拥有力量击败他的男孩,将在7月底出生。
Sometime later the resident called back. Did you get rid of it?asked the dispatcher. 一段时间后,那位居民又将电话打了回来。你们将它弄出来了吗?调度员问。
Sometime the sand felt the freshwater mussel moved and opened, what came in his sight was sea face, sun light, boats and human, human looked him in delight sight, he looked around himself, knowing himself become a pearl. 某个时刻砂粒忽然觉得蚌有一点摇动,不久蚌壳张开了,映入眼帘的是海面,阳光,船和人类,人类用欣喜若狂的眼神望着他,他环视一下自身,知道自己已经变成了珍珠。
Sometime the summoner is attacked by the monsters, it then works like an assassination attempt: he cannot retreat, but he keeps bodyguards (a Ring of Warning is useful here) and can escape with Returning (battle spell, Thaumaturgy 1, but you need a level 有的时候,召唤着会被怪物袭击,这时候就如同一次暗杀事件一般:他不能够撤退,但可以携带保镖(这时警示之戒将非常有用)并且能够通过返回这个魔法(展场魔法,奇术1,但需要法师有2级奥术)或者返回的仪式这个魔法(仪式魔法,强化5)逃脱。
Sometime these faults are very small, and we then feel only little tremor. 有些时候这些断裂非常小,我们仅仅能感到微小的颤动。
Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dualistic nature. 由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能会悲观厌世。
Sometime this fall, Shenzhou 5 is scheduled to blast into orbit atop a Chang Zheng (“Long March”) rocket. 今年秋天,神舟五号预计搭载长征火箭进入轨道。
Sometime, a pet, a dog, can let the person have takes into consideration, receives the hand in front of the evil. 有的时候,一只宠物,一只狗,就能让人有所顾及,在罪恶面前收手。

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