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And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.

And immediately in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole Sanhedrin, and having bound Jesus, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pilate. 1祭司长立即在早晨同长老、经学家、并全议会的人商议,就把耶稣捆绑,解去交给彼拉多。
And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness. 12圣灵就把耶稣催到旷野里去。
And immediately the Spirit thrust Him out into the wilderness. 12那灵随即把耶稣催到旷野去。
And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. 42麻风立即离开他,他就洁净了。
And immediately the little girl rose up and walked about, for she was twelve years old. And immediately, they were amazed with great amazement. 42那闺女便立刻起来行走,那时她已经十二岁了。他们立即大大的惊奇。
And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized. 18扫罗的眼睛上,好像有鳞立刻掉下来,他就能看见,于是起来受了洗。
And immediately, coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens being parted and the Spirit as a dove descending upon Him. 10祂从水里上来,立即看见诸天裂开了,那灵仿佛鸽子,降到祂身上。
And in Petits Freres, he concentrates on Talia (Stéphanie Touly), a 13-year-old girl adrift with other adolescents in a housing project in a poor suburb of Paris, aggrieved when her playmates steal the gentle pit bull she is raising as a pet and sells the 在《小兄弟》中,他专注于塔里娅(史蒂芬妮·桃丽),这个13岁的小女孩和其他青少年一起游荡在巴黎一个贫穷郊区的住宅区,同伴偷了她当宠物养的一头温顺的斗牛狗并卖给斗狗的人是她心痛不已。
And in 1990, after years of research, a whole new family of Rhone-style wines was introduced under the Vin du Mistral label and included Syrah, Viognier, Grenache Rosé, and a delicious red wine blend called Le Mistral. 经多年研究之后,酒园于1990年推出了密斯崔尔酒属全新的罗纳谷式葡萄酒,包括席拉、维欧尼耶、歌海娜以及密斯崔尔红酒。
And in 2004 HSBC became the envy of rival banks when it acquired a 19.9% stake in Bank of Communications, the smallest of China's national banks and the only one that, by law, allowed for the possibility of full acquisition. 2004年,汇丰银行收购了中国最小的国有银行交通银行19.9%的股份,而且交通银行还是中国唯一一家法律允许外资全面收购的银行,这令业内对手嫉妒不已。
And in Beijing politicians are scrambling to calm an uproar fuelled by an online petition against slave labour in brick kilns. 在北京,政治家正焦头烂额地试图平息由一个抵制砖窑矿工网络请愿书煽动的骚乱。

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