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In 2001, the Tenth Five-Year Plan of TEDA was worked out.

In 2001, on the occasion of the 2nd World Chambers Congress in Korea, IBCC was renamed the World Chambers Federation (WCF), clarifying WCF as the world business organization's department for chamber of commerce affairs. 2001年,在韩国召开的第二次国际商会代表大会,国际工商局被更名为全球联合商会(WCF),并指明其作为商会事务的全球商务组织部。
In 2001, she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east, the longest route, through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia . 二00一年,她和比尔徒步由西向东穿越蒙古戈壁沙漠这条最长的路线。
In 2001, she choreographed The Seventh Symphony specially for the students of the Shanghai Normal University Performing Arts College. 并在2001年她成为上海师范大学表演艺术学院的舞蹈导师。
In 2001, she fled to Vienna for several months after receiving e-mail threats alleging that a Russian police officer she had accused of committing atrocities against civilians was intent on revenge Oleg Panfilov, director of the Moscow-based Centre for Jo 2001年,她在收到一封发自曾被她指控对民众犯下残酷暴行的俄罗斯警察指挥官奥利格·潘费罗夫的意在报复的死亡恐吓邮件后,飞往维也纳呆了几个月,在极端环境下仍然指挥着莫斯科新闻中心(正常运作);与此同时,几个月前,有几个来路不明的袭击者还试图侵占她女儿维拉的汽车。
In 2001, she herself acted as director, writer and mastered the “Nestle Music World-Hainan Special Volume” won the award of Guangdong Excellent TV Programme. 2001年,由自己担任编导,撰稿并主持的“雀巢音乐世界-海南特辑’荣获广东电视优秀节目奖。
In 2001, the Tenth Five-Year Plan of TEDA was worked out. 2001年天津开发区完成了“十五”计划的编制工作。
In 2001, when Greece's Orthodox clergy grumbled over a visit by Pope John Paul II, the government in Athens could retort that it was merely receiving him as a head of state. 2001年,当希腊东正教神职人员对教皇约翰·保罗二世的访问牢骚不断时,雅典政府就能反驳说它不过是在接待某国领导人。
In 2001, “Snow White” won third prize of Classical Children's Ballet in Australian International Ballet Competition. “Cat and Mouse” won second prize among the teams of young representatives. 2001年,赴澳大利亚参加国际少儿舞蹈大赛,《白雪公主》获古典芭蕾舞少儿组三等奖;《猫和老鼠》获得代表性舞少年组二等奖。
In 2002 China's trade surplus with the U.S. was $103 billion. 二零零二年,中国对美贸易顺差达一千零三十亿美元。
In 2002 I began performing in burlesque and cabaret shows, both solo and with groups. 在2002年我开始在滑稽表演和酒店的歌舞表演中单独或进行团体表演。
In 2002 Word Cup, South Korea football team was really a dark horse. 在2002年世界杯上,韩国队是一只黑马。

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