The Hong Kong Alliance calls upon foreign ISPs not to seek profit unscrupulously, to stop colluding with the Chinese government and to protect the privacy of their internet users.
支联会呼吁外国网络供应商不要唯利是图,停止与中国政府同流合污,捍卫电邮用户的私隐权。 |
The Hong Kong Buddhist Association has sought special permission from the People's Republic of China to invite the Sakyamuni Buddha's Tooth Relic to be in Hong Kong for veneration.
由香港佛教联合会发起为庆祝农历四月初八佛诞日首获公众假期,特向国务院申请并获得批准从北京迎请佛教教主释迦牟尼灵牙舍利莅港供各界人士瞻礼。 |
The Hong Kong Chinese Materia medica Standards (HKCMMS) is designated as the officinal quality standards for commonly used Hong Kong CMM drugs by the Chinese Medicine Ordinance of HKSAR.
《香港中药材标准》(HKCMMS)是香港特别行政区《中医药条例》中规定的香港常用中药材的法定质量标准。 |
The Hong Kong Garrison shall delimit military restricted zones in conjunction with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
香港驻军会同香港特别行政区政府划定军事禁区。 |
The Hong Kong Garrison shall protect the natural resources, historical relics and monuments, and other non-military rights and interests within the military restricted zones in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
香港驻军对军事禁区内的自然资源、文物古迹以及非军事权益,应当依照香港特别行政区的法律予以保护。 |
The Hong Kong Glass Arts Development Society is organizing a kiln casting workshop in the Fine Arts College of Shanghai University from December 27 to 30, 2006. Seats are limited so act now!
香港玻璃艺术发展学会将于二零零六年十二月二十七至三十日于上海市上海大学美术学院举办玻璃铸造工作坊,名额有限,机会难得,请从速报名! |
The Hong Kong Government has built a Bird Garden in Yuen Po Street since and moved all the old shops to the new garden.
政府在园圃街另建一个雀鸟花园代替,把店铺安置在那儿。 |
The Hong Kong Observatory recorded rainfall of more than 200mm in the worst-hit rural areas.
天文台在雨势最大的乡郊地区录得超过二百毫米雨量纪录。 |
The Hong Kong Playground Association Integrated Service for Children &Youth team's “Tsing Yi Rambler Channel Promenade” most impressed the audience, and was awarded the most popular design.
香港游乐场协会青衣青少年综合服务队的「青衣─蓝巴勒海峡海滨长廊」设计,有趣的八爪鱼设施令观众留下深刻印象,更赢得「我最喜爱的社区设计」一奖。 |
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Delegation to the 9th National Games of the People's Republic of China yesterday hosted a welcome-home reception at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to celebrate the outstanding results attained by the Hong Kong at
中华人民共和国第九届运动会(全运会)香港特别行政区代表团昨日在香港文化中心举行祝捷会,庆祝香港运动员在全运会中取得骄人成绩。 |
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall consult the Hong Kong Garrison when formulating any policy or drafting any legislation which concerns the Hong Kong Garrison.
香港特别行政区制定政策和拟定法案,涉及香港驻军的,应当征求香港驻军的意见。 |