He lived in the house all through his life.
他毕生都是住那楝房子。 |
He lived in the shadow of his famous father.
他在名声显赫的父亲的庇护下生活。 |
He lived in the suburbs, free from the noise and air pollutions pf the city.
他住在郊区,不受城里噪音和空气的污染。 |
He lived like a madman for six more years before he finally died.
他像疯子一样生活了六年多才死去。 |
He lived near China's northern borders.
他住在北部边疆。 |
He lived on a slim income.
他靠微薄的收入生活。 |
He lived there on and off during the John Major years as a passive Conservative ally but fell from grace after Labour's landslide election victory in May 1997.
撒切尔夫人离开唐宁街后,他继续留在那“效忠”保守党首相约翰?梅杰,直到1997年5月,工党以压倒性的胜利赢得大选之后,汉弗莱便失宠了。 |
He lived to see his grandchildren.
他活到在有生之年看到孙儿辈。 |
He lived with his family in a new £300,000 four-bedroom detached house in nearby Thurnscoe.
他和家人住在瑟恩斯口的一幢价值30万英镑的四居室豪宅里。 |
He lives 3 miles away from here.
他住在离这里三哩的地方。 |
He lives a lonely life in the country.
他在乡下过着孤寂的生活。 |