A total of 92,509 entries were made this year with 8,363 for inochi,also read myoand mei,followed by 3,793 for yu,read also hisaas used in the first of the two kanji of the newborn prince's name. |
中文意思: 在今年的评选中,日本汉字能力鉴定协会共收到92509张选票,其中“命”字的得票数为8363张,位居其后的是小皇子名字中的“悠”字,得票数为3793张。 |
A total of 629 calories, 71g protein, 10g of carbohydrates.
共有629卡路里、71克蛋白质、10克碳水化含物。 |
A total of 66 subjects (31 subjects in the poor control group; 35 subjects in the good control group) were selected by purposive sampling from a medical center.
本研究以立意取样法在某医学中心,选取31位控制不良和35位控制良好之第2型糖尿病患为对象。 |
A total of 680 medical students participated in this study.
以7所医学院之二年级医学生为对象,进行问卷调查。 |
A total of 71 participants were assigned to usual outpatient physiotherapy, 72 to spinal stabilization, and 69 to physiotherapist-led pain management.
共获得了160人(75%)18个月的随访资料,所有治疗方法获得了相似的疗效。 |
A total of 80,000 security guards, including police officers, professional security people, and government-approved volunteers, will join the security service forces for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing next year.
在明年的北京奥运会期间,直接用于赛事的安全保卫人员将达80000人,其中包括警察,专业保安人员和国家批准的安保志愿者。 |
A total of 92,509 entries were made this year with 8,363 for inochi,also read myoand mei,followed by 3,793 for yu,read also hisaas used in the first of the two kanji of the newborn prince's name.
在今年的评选中,日本汉字能力鉴定协会共收到92509张选票,其中“命”字的得票数为8363张,位居其后的是小皇子名字中的“悠”字,得票数为3793张。 |
A total of 932 students enrolled at a private university of science and technology in southern Taiwan served as the subjects of the study, and the effects of the six forementioned variables on student evaluations of teacher performance were examined.
鉴于先前研究对此仍无定论,本研究乃以技职生爲问卷调查对象,探讨影响学生评鉴教学的背景变项。 |
A total of HK$10.91 billion was wiped from the local market's capitalisation in a single day.
港股一日内市值蒸发了一百零九亿一千万港元。 |
A totally relaxed muscle will have no hinders in reacting extremely quick and putting this potential under control will make for what is called speed.
完全的放松可以使快速的演奏没有阻碍同时加上很好的控制就得到了我们所说的速度。 |
A touching story of human interest about a girl suffering incurable disease but never giving up her hope and courage.For realization of her dream to spread love among those who need in most, she devotes the rest of her days to an orphanage.
叙述罹患肠癌的师范音乐科毕业的少女徐秀亚,以其有限的生命来到偏僻小村的孤儿院,从事爱的教育所发生可歌可泣的一段感人故事。 |
A touching story was yielded on this beautiful land 2 years ago.
两年前在这块美丽的土地上诞生了一个动人的传说。 |