Never mind, just forget about it.
没关系,不要再提了。 |
Never mind, we can doss down in the car.
不要紧,我们可以睡在汽车里。 |
Never mind.
没关系。 |
Never mind. Accident will happen.
没关系。难免会有意外。 |
Never mind. It doesn't really matter.
别在意,真的不要紧。 |
Never mind. It's not the end of the world.
没关系,这不是世界末日。 |
Never mind. The check that you have is drawn off of this bank. May I see your driver's license, please?
职员:没关系。您这张支票是从我们银行开出的。我可以看一下您的驾驶证吗? |
Never mind, there was always the crowd to watch.
没关系,总有许多人可看。 |
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
该闭嘴的好机会定要抓住。 |
Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.One helps you make a living;the other helps you make a life.
别把知识误解为智慧,它们一个是帮助你谋生,而另一个是帮助你生活. |
Never mix cards and whisky unless you were weaned on Irish poteen ,’Gerald told Pork gravely the same evening, as Pork assisted him to bed.
“永远不要混淆牌和威士忌,除非你戒掉爱尔兰酒,”这天晚上,当波克扶他上床时,杰拉尔德严肃地告诉波克。 |