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When did doors lose their soul? When did they become something negative? When did they become solely a means to shut out and lock out, instead of to welcome in?

When did Grandpa write this letter? 爷爷是在什麽时候就写好这封信的呢?
When did Herod the Great die? 希律王在何时逝世?
When did Stamford Bridge open? 斯坦福桥球场是什么时候建成的?
When did Tony go to the library? 托尼什么时候去的图书馆。
When did all this madness begin? 这种疯狂是从何时开始的呢?
When did doors lose their soul? When did they become something negative? When did they become solely a means to shut out and lock out, instead of to welcome in? 究竟何时门失去了灵魂?何时变成了一种消极的东西了呢?它们何时变成了仅仅是拒人于外、锁门闭户的手段,而不是迎客的工具了呢?
When did he emigrate?? 他什么时候移民的?
When did he grow to be so tall? 他何时长得这麽高的?
When did he ride with Solberg ? Mind you, JGTC and WRC are in totally different league. Subarus are cool, but this is pretty nice too. 引用第23楼村口只猪于2007-05-2302:58发表的:日本漂移王坐他车一次就怕了....难道你是土屋师父?
When did it become a sovereign country? 这个国家是什么时候成为主权国的?
When did it stop being fun and start being scary? 是否快乐噶然而止的一瞬间,恐惧就开始了?

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