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The two clouds of oppositely charged particles are then superimposed by adjusting electrical fields in a cylindrical mixing traplined with detectors.

The two children had to go halves on the last piece of cake. 两个孩子只好平分最后一块糕点。
The two children used to bicker about who should do the washing-up. 这两个小孩子过去常为该由谁洗餐具一事而争吵。
The two children were always bickering over their toys. 那两个小孩总是为了玩具吵架。
The two clauses are separated by a comma. 这两个分句由一个逗号分开。
The two cloned litters were borne by different surrogate sows, and the dissimilarities are even more pronounced between the litters. 他推测,子宫内的环境可能扮演一角,因为这两批复制产生的仔猪是由不同的代孕母猪所生,而来自不同胎的猪仔,差异还要更为显著。
The two clouds of oppositely charged particles are then superimposed by adjusting electrical fields in a cylindrical mixing traplined with detectors. 相对的充满粒子的二团云然后在与探测器相连的圆筒形“混合线圈”中受电场调整为分层。
The two clubs are expected to make a series of transfers between them in the coming weeks. 两个俱乐部希望在接下来的几周有一系列的转会举动。
The two clubs are expected to reach an agreement on a transfer fee over the weekend, with Kalou set to sign a four or five-year contract at Stamford Bridge. 这两家俱乐部都希望在下周能在转会费上达成协定,卡鲁可能希望在斯坦福桥获得一份4-5年的合约。
The two clubs have agreed terms on the transfer, with only minor details needing to be finalised. 两家俱乐部已经就转会大体达成一致,仅仅有一些细节有待完善.
The two clubs have finally reached an agreement: the Brazilian, who is desepratley wanted by Mancini, will arrive in Milan in exchange of the other half of Pandev, 3 million euros and a loan of a player (Karagounis, or Coco). 两家俱乐部已经达成最终协议:曼奇尼十分想得到的巴西人,将抵达米兰换来潘德夫的另外一半所有权加上300万欧元和租借卡拉贡内斯或者科科中的一个。
The two clubs meet on Saturday lunchtime and victory for United at the City of Manchester stadium would put them on the brink of winning the title. 这两只球队将在周六午餐时间相逢,如果曼联取胜,那么他们将向联赛冠军迈出最坚实的一步。

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