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He possessed all these qualities, moreover, in the proper mean and without ostentation, and, in fine, was praiseworthy in every way and, in the minds of all good men, well deserving of comparison with Numa Pompilius.

He pored on the matter for some days before he was able to reach a decision. 他对此事仔细考虑了好几天,才作出了决定。
He portrayed King Lear in the play. 他在这戏里扮演李尔王。
He portrayed a serial killer in a Broadway show. 他曾在一个百老汇演出中扮演一位连环杀手。
He portrayed life in a Taiwanese village. 他诠释台湾农村的生活。
He positively hated me, the little viper – yet he couldn't stay away from me. 比如说莫尔多夫,据鲍里斯和克朗斯塔特说,他自封为上帝了,这条小毒蛇毫无疑问在恨我,可他又离不开我。
He possessed all these qualities, moreover, in the proper mean and without ostentation, and, in fine, was praiseworthy in every way and, in the minds of all good men, well deserving of comparison with Numa Pompilius. 他保有所有这些品性,而且是出于固有,并无虚饰,以及,他的美德在各个方面都值得称赞,而在所有优秀的人们看来,堪与努马·蓬皮利乌斯相比。
He possessed his temper despite the insult. 尽管受到了侮辱,他还是按捺住怒气。
He possesses a huge house on the hillside. 他在山上拥有一栋巨宅。
He possesses a lot of immovable real property. 他拥有许多不动产。
He possesses infinite strength , can accompany me to play ball and reading , helps me to work. 他拥有无穷的力量,能陪我打球、读书,帮我做事。
He possesses some magical abilities. 他拥有一些法力。

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