Accident will happen some or other time if you still driving like that.
你如果那样开车,迟早会出事的。 |
Accidentally overhearing someone say sth nice about you.
无意中听有人在说你好话. |
Accidentally we found a precious stamp when tidying up his books.
整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。 |
Accidents and small injuries are an everyday occurences in this job.
这项工作中,事故和轻伤是每天发生的事。 |
Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.
随著不断增加的频率,事故一直发生。 |
Accidents arise from carelessness.
意外事故起因于粗心大意。 |
Accidents can be averted by careful driving.
谨慎驾驶可避免发生事故。 |
Accidents caused by the bladder pressure were another concern.
膀胱压力造成的问题是另一个关切的问题。 |
Accidents occurring during takeoff and landing generally occur at slower speeds and gentler angle of attacks.
发生在飞机起降时的飞机失事通常是在较低速度下,并且有着较为平缓的撞击角度。 |
Accidents often arise from carelessness .
事故往往起因于粗心。 |
Accidents often arise from carelessness.
意外常兴起于粗心大意。 |