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Also, will India have a faster shipment rate to compensate for receiving just 1 villager per shipment?

Also, when the National Art Museum held the Maya culture exhibit, I was invited to tell Maya stories to the public. 除此之外,国美馆举办马雅文明展览时,我参加了「马雅姊姊说故事」的活动。
Also, when using bitmap textures that are 15K or higher in resolution, you MUST turn off the image filter, or you will get black renderings. 而且,在使用贴图尺寸超过15K时,你必须关闭图像滤镜,否则会导致渲染黑块的错误。
Also, whenever anyone approached him to bow down before him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him. 5若有人近前来要拜押沙龙,押沙龙就伸手拉住他,与他亲嘴。
Also, while some players have suggested that the new Mortal Shots talent isn't worth the points, it's worth noting that the rogue's Lethality talent is a 30% bonus (and even more limited in application), yet is still used extensively by rogues. 另外,如果一些玩家要说新的致死射击并不值得猎人去加那么多天赋点,那么请去看看盗贼的“致命伤”天赋[注释1]吧,也是加30%(甚至适用范围更受限制),但还是有那么多的盗贼都加了。
Also, why would the ownership of the house even matter? 同时,房子的所有权为什么甚至会很重要?
Also, will India have a faster shipment rate to compensate for receiving just 1 villager per shipment? 印度有没有较快的船运速率来补偿每个船运送一村呢?
Also, will players be able to take on existing missions from the original game with up to 10 players in co-op, or would that be too unbalanced? 同样,在原有游戏中的任务是不是也增加到了10人,会不会使游戏不太平衡?
Also, with more practice, you will need less air to play the harmonica. 还有就是通过大量的练习,你可以使用较少的气流来吹奏口琴。
Also, with quick, critical eye, she noted a scar on his cheek, another that peeped out from under the hair of the forehead, and a third that ran down and disappeared under the starched collar. 再迅速打量了一眼,又见他面颊上有个伤疤,还有一个伤疤则从额前的发际露出,而第三个疤则穿到浆硬的领子里去了。
Also, you can access Web information within your company's intra-network or intranet, believe it or not. 而且,信不信由你,你也可以通过你公司的内部网路来获取网络信息。
Also, you will need more complex stylistic conventions (for an example, see here). 并且,尔笃也需要更加复杂个“文体惯例或协定”。

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