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I can always eat pizza – or aghetti.

I can already see them behind the bars of their prison instead of behind the bars of my poverty. 我已经能想象到有这么一天,他们走出我这贫困的牢笼,走进监狱牢房。
I can also compare one driver with another without having extraneous name differences clutter up the comparison results. 我还可以比较一个驱动和另一个驱动,没有外部名称差异来散乱比较结果。
I can also read and write in French. 我还能用法语进行说和写。
I can also tell you a story. 我也可以告诉你一个故事。
I can always be your guide. 我随时愿为你们当导游。
I can always eat pizza – or aghetti. 意大利饼和实心面条我是吃不厌的。
I can always eat pizza – or spaghetti. 意大利饼和实心面条我是吃不厌的。
I can answer all the questions except for the last. 所有的题我都会答, 只是最後一题不会.
I can assure you of his sincerity. 他的真诚我可以向你保证。
I can assure you of our close cooperation. 我保证通力合作。
I can assure you of our cooperation. 我可以向您保证我们会与您合作。

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