Article 34 Affairs concerning members of foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices in the People's Republic of China and other aliens who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities, after their entry into China, shall be administered in accordance
第三十四条外国驻中华人民共和国外交代表机关、领事机关成员以及享有特权和豁免的其他外国人入境后的管理,按国务院及其主管机关的有关规定办理。 |
Article 34 Application shall be filed with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council for type certificate for the designing of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment.
第三十四条设计民用航空器及其发动机、螺旋桨和民用航空器上设备,应当向国务院民用航空主管部门申请领取型号合格证书。 |
Article 34 Bid opening shall be started openly at the same time of the deadline for submission of bid documents set in the tender documents; and the place of opening bids shall be the place predetermined in the tender documents.
第三十四条开标应当在招标文件确定的提交投标文件截止时间的同一时间公开进行;开标地点应当为招标文件中预先确定的地点。 |
Article 34 Defect referred to in this Law means the unreasonable danger existing in product which endangers the safety of human life or another person property; where there are national or trade standards safeguarding the health or safety of human life an
第三十四条本法所称缺陷,是指产品存在危及人身、他人财产安全的不合理的危险;产品有保障人体健康,人身、财产安全的国家标准、行业标准的,是指不符合该标准。 |
Article 34 Departments of public health shall, in relation to children, establish a preventive inoculation certificate system, make efforts to prevent common and frequently-occurring diseases among children, strengthen supervision and control over the pre
第三十四条卫生部门应当对儿童实行预防接种证制度,积极防治儿童常见病、多发病,加强对传染防治工作的监督管理和对托儿所、幼儿园卫生保健的业务指导。 |
Article 34 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, the relevant special committee and the office of operation of the Standing Committee shall hear the opinions of the concerned constituents.
第三十四条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,法律委员会、有关的专门委员会和常务委员会工作机构应当听取各方面的意见。 |
Article 34 Hong Kong residents shall have freedom to engage in academic research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural activities.
第三十四条香港居民有进行学术研究、文学艺术创作和其他文化活动的自由。 |
Article 34 If a law-enforcing officer decides to impose administrative penalty on the spot, he shall show the party his identification papers for law enforcement, fill out an established and coded form of decision for administrative penalty.
第三十四条执法人员当场作出行政处罚决定的,应当向当事人出示执法身份证件,填写预定格式、编有号码的行政处罚决定书。 |
Article 34 If a prisoner does not satisfy the conditions for commutation or parole as provided by the law, the prisoner shall not be commuted or paroled on any ground.
第三十四条对不符合法律规定的减刑、假释条件的罪犯,不得以任何理由将其减刑、假释。 |
Article 34 If anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law,destroys in nature reserves or areas closed to hunting the main places where wildlife under special state or local protection lives and breeds, he shall be ordered by the department of wildl
第三十四条违反本法规定,在自然保护区、禁猎区破坏国家或者地方重点保护野生动物主要生息繁衍场所的,由野生动物行政主管部门责令停止破坏行为,限期恢复原状,处以罚款。 |
Article 34 If not exercised, the sender's or addressee's right of indemnity shall be extinguished six months from the date the mail item is posted.
第34条寄件人或收件人之补偿请求权,自邮件交寄之日起,逾六个月不行使而消灭。 |