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I arrived home, took a shower, and sat down. I nodded to sleep but got control of myself. I wanted to stay awake until nighttime.

I arrived at 2 o'clock precisely. 我在两点整到达。
I arrived at that city at length. 我最终到达了那个城市。
I arrived at the place on time,but I could see nobody. 我准时到达了那个地方,可却一个人都没看到。
I arrived first at the party even though I was already late by five minutes. 尽管我已经迟到了五分钟了,我却仍是第一个赴宴的人.
I arrived here at 9:00 today. 我今天9点到的。
I arrived home, took a shower, and sat down. I nodded to sleep but got control of myself. I wanted to stay awake until nighttime. (回到家洗了个澡然后坐下,本来决定睡觉的,但自己却把自己控制了:我想一直待到深夜。)
I arrived in America one sunny morning. 一个阳光明媚的早晨,我到达了美国。
I arrived in Chapel Hill in August 2002 to study at the joint Peace Center at Duke University and UNC, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - and if you know a little bit about the two schools you would be surprised about the word jointin this 我在二零零二年八月抵达教堂山公爵大学,在杜克大学和北卡罗来纳大学的共同和平中心研究-如果你们对这两个学校有一点了解,你们会对〝共同〞这个字眼出现在这句话里感到惊讶-大学之间的合作直到那时仍局限在每一场篮球比赛开场的勉强笑容与握手。
I arrived in China a little unsure, but full of hope and passion. 我毕业于位于弗吉尼亚里查门德的弗吉尼亚联合大学。
I arrived in London at last. 我终于到了伦敦。
I arrived in Shanghai back in the days of Liang Piao ( Ration tickets) and FEC ( Foreign Exchange Currency). 我到上海的时候,还是有粮票和外汇券的时代。

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