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Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant.

Aflatoxin contamination and toxicity first came to light after the 1960 outbreak of so-called “Turkey X” disease which caused the deaths over 100,000 turkey poults in the United Kingdom. 黄曲霉污染及毒性要追溯到1960年英国第一次爆发的火鸡雏鸡的“火鸡X病”。
Aflatoxin poisoning from Brazilian groundnut meal was subsequently seen in cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens, and groundnut meal from other original including Asia was subsequently shown to be contamination with aflatoxin. 后来又陆续在牛、猪、羊和鸡中也发生了巴西进口花生粕黄曲霉中毒事件,从其他地区,包括亚洲进口的花生粕中也发现了黄曲霉毒素。
Afraid and person association, disgust a person have another, feel nervous or uneasiness at the others in front diffidence heart. 怕与人交往,厌恶人多,在他人面前无自信心,感到紧张或不自在。
Afraid of being caught,the thief hid himself at home all day long . 由于害怕被抓住,这个小偷成天藏在家里。
Afraid of being cut off, they lost no time in turning back. 为怕给敌人切断,他们急忙撤了回来。
Afraid of being scolded, for a moment, little Franz thought of playing truant. 因为害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了逃学的念头。
Afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town. 担心赌场会把不良分子吸引到镇上来
Afraid?’ murmured the Rat, his eyes shining with unutterable love. ‘Afraid! Of HIM? O, never, never! And yet—and yet—O, Mole, I am afraid! “害怕?”河鼠的眼睛闪烁着难以言表的敬爱,低声喃喃道。“害怕?怕他?啊,当然不!当然不!不过——不过——我还是有点害怕!”
Africa and China usher in the 50th anniversary of sincere cooperation. 非洲和中国迎来了真诚合作的50周年纪念。
Africa has become an important source of oil and other natural resources to feed China's rapid economic growth. 非洲已经成了中国重要的石油和其他资源的供应地,通过获取非洲资源,中国的经济得以快速增长。
Africa has received some $600 billion in foreign aid since 1960, yet most African nations are poorer today than they were then. 我注意到近来有经济研究倾向于在国际援助和受助国的经济增长及健康状况改善之间探寻一种积极的效应关系。

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