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When a palindrome overlaps with another, even when one is completely included in the other, both should be reported.

When a nonrestrictive clause appears at the end of a sentence, place a comma before it and a period after it. 当非限制性成分出现在句末时,在它前面加逗号,后面加句号。
When a nonrestrictive clause appears in the middle of a sentence, place commas around it. 当非限制性成分在句子中间出现时,应当在它前面和后面加逗号。
When a package depends on another in this way, it is known as a package dependency. 当一个包以这种方式依赖到另一个包时,它就是所谓的软件包依赖。
When a page has an activation context, the values of the context are appended to the URL path. 当一个页面有活化上下文时,上下文的值被附加到URL路径中。
When a pair of criminal masterminds, the Wolf and the Weasel, threatens the destruction of several of the world's major cities unless their demands are met, ace-detective, Alex Cross is once again called into action. 当一对犯罪阴谋家——“狼”和“黄鼠狼”——发出了不满足其要求就要摧毁全球几大城市的威胁后,皇牌探员亚历克斯?克罗斯再次受命采取行动。
When a palindrome overlaps with another, even when one is completely included in the other, both should be reported. 当一个回文与另一个回文交迭时,即使一个完全包括在另一个中,也应该输出两个。
When a partner interest is purchased by an outsider, the price paid in the transaction is extraneous to the partnership; only the book value of the departing partner's capital balance is trans-ferred to the new partner. 如果合伙人的权益是由企业局外人购得,交易中实际所付价款对企业并不影响,只是按帐面价值将原合伙人的资本余额转移给新的合伙人。
When a party to a JV requests approval to dissolve a JV or to find a new JV party under Article 7 of the Capital Injection Measures, the original approval authorities should determine whether the other party to the JV has breached the contract under Artic 二、我们认为,当合营一方根据出资规定第七条规定,要求原审批机关批准解散合营企业或者申请批准另找合营者时,原审批机关应当根据法院或者相关仲裁机构的生效裁决,认定合营的另一方构成出资规定第七条所称的违约行为,批准解散合营企业或者批准守约方另找合营者承担违约方在合营合同中的权利和义务。
When a party transfer all or part of its equity, the other parties shall have the preemptive right. 合营一方转让其全部或者部分股权时,合营他方有优先购买权。
When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. 5天后,一条油轮从那儿路过,搭救了他们。这二位不得不离开那个荒岛时,还真的感到遗憾呢!
When a pawn does not take, it moves one square straight forward. 当兵不吃子时它只能向前竖直移动。

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