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Ultrastructural changes in root cells of Euryale Ferox Salisb. damaged by Hg + are reported.
报告了芡实根部细胞超微结构在Hg +毒害下的变化 .

Ultrasonography had great advantage over MRI in showing yolk sacs, amniotic sacs, extraembryonic coelom and embryocardia-beats ( P <0.00). MRI显示早早孕、早中期的卵黄囊、胚外体腔、羊膜囊及胎心搏动不如超声 (P<0 .0 0 ) ;
Ultrasound Diagnosis of Cornual Pregnancy 宫角妊娠的超声诊断
Ultrasound evaluation of placenta increta 超声在胎盘植入中应用价值
Ultrasound-Mediated Transdermal Drug Transport of PGE, Heparin and VEGF and Their Effects on Flap Survival in the Rats 低频超声介导的PGE、肝素和VEGF经皮给药及其对大鼠超长宽比例皮瓣存活的作用
Ultrastructural Study of Node of Ranvier in Early Stage of Axonal Injury of Optic Nerve 视神经轴索损伤早期郎飞结超微结构研究
Ultrastructural changes in root cells of Euryale Ferox Salisb. damaged by Hg + are reported. 报告了芡实根部细胞超微结构在Hg +毒害下的变化 .
Ultrastructural observation of Cortico-striato-spinal degeneration 皮质-纹状体-脊髓变性的超微结构观察
Ultrastructure of nucleus and sclerotium of Fuligo septica phanero plasmodium 煤绒菌Fuligo septica显型原质团细胞核及菌核的超微结构
Ultrastructure of poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma 低分化滑膜肉瘤超微结构的观察
Ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of Longdong stream salamander Batrachuperus longdongensis (Urodela:Hynobiidae) 龙洞山溪鲵精子的超微结构
Ultrstructural Changes in Leaf Cells of Euryale Ferox Salisb. by the Stress of Hg~(+) Hg~(+)胁迫下芡实叶超微结构的变化

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