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Q: Will this year's Michelin users be at a disadvantage in 2007?

Q: Will there be a follow-up? 问:还会有后续吗?
Q: Will there be a hostile timer so you won\'t get killed instantly by unscrupulous script users? 将会有敌对计时器使玩家在变为敌对状态后不能马上杀死其他敌对玩家吗?
Q: Will there be new dungeons and battlegrounds included in the expansion? 问:资料片中将包括新的地下城和战场吗?
Q: Will there be transportation provided? 会有交通安排吗?
Q: Will this stop the speculation? 问:那么这会停止那些推测吗?
Q: Will this year's Michelin users be at a disadvantage in 2007? 问:今年使用米其林轮胎的车队会在2007年处于不利位置吗?
Q: Will you accept CV on the recruitment seminar? 宣讲会现场收简历吗?
Q: Will you help us prepare for our interview at the US Consular Office? 你们会帮助我们准备在美国领事馆的面签吗?
Q: Willy: What a spectacle! 多么壮丽的景色呀!
Q: With both championships so delicately poised, how much is the team under pressure? 问:由于两个世界冠军都处于微妙的平衡之中,车队身处于多大的压力之下?
Q: With this upbeat mood you should be very confident for the Silverstone weekend. Are you? 问:带著这种乐观的心情,你应当对本周末的银石比赛很有信心了,是不是?

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