They can even oust the entire board without cause.
他们甚至可以没有任何理由的淘汰整个董事会。 |
They can fight it out. I don’t want to get involved.
他们能最终解决的,我不想参与进去。 |
They can finish the training oftentimes without any injuries.
他们常常能够毫发不损地完成训练。 |
They can flay group then) Lay Catholic groups and family associations organized the rally.
此次集会由天主教组织和家庭协会组成。 |
They can get pregnant once a year and usually give birth to one or two cubs at a time.
它们一年内怀孕一次,通常一次产仔一或两只。 |
They can get whatever they want.
总之,他们用金钱能做到他们喜欢做的一切。 |
They can go to skateboard parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.
他们可去滑板场、游泳池或去游乐中心玩电子游戏机。 |
They can hardly express their thoughts and feelings in fluent English, that is to say, the communicative function of English hasn't been fully realized.
几乎不能流畅地用英语来表达自己的思想和情感,那就是说,英语的交际功能没有很好地实现。 |
They can hold their own in the spoken language, but would find it hard to compose a business letter in Chinese through lack of usage.
他们完全有能力用华语同他人沟通,不过,因为疏于练习,要用华文书写商业信件便力不从心。 |
They can included with other liabilities on the balance sheet, ignored, or dis i closed in the footnotes to the financial statements, depending on their materiality and probability of occurrence.
或有负债是一种潜在的负债,是难以预料的开支,根据或有负债的重要性或发生的饿概率,他可以在资产负债表上列示在其他的负债中,或在财务报表的附注中提示,或忽略不管。 |
They can innovate by promoting remedies that are otherwise unfeasible or remote.
有些疾病的疗法并不可行或是太过新奇,慈善家们可以做出创新,对之加以改良。 |