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A monolithic sculpture.

A monk asked Koyo Seijo, “Daitsu Chisho Buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain Buddhahood. He did not become a Buddha. How could this be? 兴阳让和尚、因僧问、大通智胜佛、十劫坐道场、佛法不现前、不得成佛道时如何。
A monkey can have fleas but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子可能长跳蚤,跳蚤不可能生猴子。
A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst, with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother's pelvis and tailbone. 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。
A monkey-like animal seen as an ancestor of monkeys, apes and humans was not as brainy(1) as expected, according to scientists who analyzed its nicely preserved 29-million-year-old skull. 科学家对一个保存良好的2900万年前的头骨进行研究,发现这种类猴的猴子、猿和人类祖先并没有预想得那么聪明。
A monochrome monitor displays only one color on the screen. It may be white or more eyepleasing green. While color monitors usually offer a wide selection of display colors. 显示器是微机的重要输出设备。显示器又称为视频显示终端,类似于电视屏幕,可能是单色的,也可能是彩色的。
A monolithic sculpture. 独块巨石雕塑
A monolithic silicon multi-sensor on SOI wafer that consists of a three-axis piezoresistive accelerometer, a piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor, and a silicon thermistor temperature sensor is presented. 摘要为满足小体积、多参数测量的要求,采用SOI硅片,设计了一种测量三轴加速度、绝对压力、温度参数的单片集成硅微传感器,其中加速度、绝对压力传感器基于掺杂硅压阻效应,温度传感器基于掺杂硅电阻温度效应。
A mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate extends from portal areas and disrupts the limiting plate of hepatocytes which are undergoing necrosis, the so-called piecemealnecrosis of chronic active hepatitis. 单核细胞浸润从门脉区延伸,破坏正在坏死(也称为慢性活动性肝炎的“碎片状”坏死)的肝细胞界板。
A monotone iterative scheme is developed for proving the existence and uniqueness of the periodic solutions of the nonlinear discrete scheme, and the computational algorithms for the periodic solutions are also provided. 为了证明解的存在唯一性,建立了一个单调迭代算法,该算法也给出了一个求解算法。
A monotone recitation of names. 名字的单调的朗诵
A monotone version may be acceptable in certain situations, if the use requires it (e.g., desktop backgrounds). 如果要求使用单色调(如桌面背景),那么在特定情况下该要求是可以被接受的。

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