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System developed by the Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute. You can search the table of contents of 12 corpuses of Chinese language Tripitaka.

System are willing to control the future with you ! 赛思特仪表------与您控制未来!
System cabinet: See System unit. 机箱:参照系统单元.
System can be configured to be used in Transmittance Mode or Reflectance Mode. 系统可以配置为透射模式或者反射模式。
System credit and ethical credit are mutual in function. 制度信用与伦理信用具有互补性。
System designers must recognize, however, that real switches are not ideal, and that the relays themselves are typically mounted on printed circuit boards, which require the use of connectors and cables. 然而,系统设计者必须认识到现实中的开关并非是理想的,并且继电器本身通常是被安装在印刷电路板上的,它通常需要使用连接器和电缆。
System developed by the Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute. You can search the table of contents of 12 corpuses of Chinese language Tripitaka. 由香光尼众佛学院图书馆整理,可按经卷题名部份、朝代、译作者、经号、册号查询。用者可以查询十二部藏经的目录,包括中国明代或以后的、韩国的、日本的。
System files restored. The target disk may not be bootable. 系统文件被恢复.目标盘可能不能被引导.
System has to re-intialize the necessary data as it is the first time that you run this program,or some data files lost.Depends on the configuration of your computer,it will cost many minutes,when the system finished this procession,it won't be occured ne 这是您第一次运行本程序,或者运行本程序所需要的数据文件丢失,现在将为你重新初始化运行本程序所需的数据,根据文件的大小和您的机器配置,大约需要几分钟或几十分钟,数据初始化操作完成后,运行本程序就会相当的快捷,不再需要重复这个数据初始化步骤,请耐心等候,谢谢。
System innovation of the endowment insurance in Out Runt Area are a mailer of great significance for improving the standard of peasants' living, boosting the rural consumption demand and building a harmonious society between town and countryside. 摘要农村养老保险制度的创新对于提高农民生活水平,拉动农村需求,构建城乡和谐社会具有重大意义。
System installation includes start-up and performance test and will be carried out by the service engineer of C&S company. 中瑞公司负责测量机的安装、调试以及测量机安装现场的最终验收。
System is busy, please try again later. 由于系统繁忙,请稍后再试。

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