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Implementing this soaring vision, however, is difficult in practice.

Implementing activities within the area of metal processing (chipping/machining). 实现金属处理过程(切削/加工)。
Implementing and debugging equipment into production environment. 在生产环境中运行设备。
Implementing autocomplete in a search field is something that can be performed using AJAX. To do it, you need to provide code on the client and on the server. 可以使用AJAX实现搜索输入域的自动完成。要实现这个,需要撰写相应的客户端和服务器端代码。
Implementing contact and supervision system of leaders for investment projects, the leaders shall regularly get to know project process, coordinate and solve difficulties and problems met in project examination and approval, construction, production and o 二、实施投资项目领导联系督察制,定期了解项目进展情况,及时协调解决项目审批、建设及生产经营过程中遇到的困难和问题。
Implementing its patent technology of Intelligent Information Exchange Network as its core, deploying thousands of micro information service stations nationwide as its end-user marketing service terminals, employing internet, mobile phone, telephone and c 易典通-信息互递智能网络:以智能匹配、信息互递技术为核心,深入社区乡镇的全国连锁微型信息专营店为营销服务终端,以互联网、手机、电话、报纸为工具,为用户提供便捷、准确的个性化供求信息互递服务平台。
Implementing this soaring vision, however, is difficult in practice. 但要想实现这个高瞻远瞩的梦想,做起来还是很困难的。
Implements a 2 way communication system with his team. (Listen team comments and proposition). 和属下建立双向的沟通模式(聆听团队的建议、主张)。
Implements a graphical display, such as a bar graph, of an integer value. 实现一个图形化显示,如同带有整数值的一个条装图形.
Implements and maintains preventative maintenance programs. 执行并管理预防性维护计划。
Implication: liberalism, neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox. 涵义﹕新派,自由派,新正统派,新福音派等不是正统基督教信仰。
Implications on social welfare policy and social work practice are included. 最后,本研究提出有关社会工作实务与社会福利政策的建议供参考。

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