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The death toll could rise since many of the injured suffered serious burns.

The death sentence with a reprieve sys tern took the new China's one kind of original creation, always is an educational world discussion focal point. 摘要死缓制度作为新中国的一种独创,历来是学界讨论的一个焦点。
The death themes of the May 4th poems are very abundant. 摘要“五四”新诗的死亡主题非常丰富。
The death threats from the Mafia have got the witness running scared. 来自黑手党的死亡威胁使证人感到恐慌。
The death toll continues to rise in Greece. 希腊死亡人数继续攀升。
The death toll continues to rise increased. 死亡人数继续攀升。
The death toll could rise since many of the injured suffered serious burns. 由于大部分伤者严重烧伤,死亡人数有可能上升。
The death toll from Friday's F5 tornado continues to climb. 周五的龙卷风照成的死亡人数在不断的上升。
The death toll from Hurricane Felix continues to rise. 飓风“费利克斯”造成的死亡人数持续上升。
The death toll from a coal mine explosion a week ago in Heilongjiang province rose to 169 and officials had new problems on their hands. 一周之前,黑龙江省一处煤矿爆炸的死亡人数已升至169人,而中国官员又面临一些新的问题。
The death toll from a tsunami that hit the Solomon Islands is expected to grow. 所罗门群岛海啸遇难人数还有待增加。
The death toll from that quake has risen to more than 500. 地震造成的死亡人数攀升至500人以上。

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