It is like being in zero gravity.
这象是处于零重力状态。 |
It is like being on a roller coaster in free fall from the top, and everyone is screaming – some in fear and some in exhilaration.
这有点像坐过山车从顶端自由落体下来的时候,所有人都在尖叫,有的是出于害怕,有的是出于兴奋。 |
It is like firing a bullet into a body of water; almost all the bullet's energy is absorbed by slow-moving water molecules, and it cannot punch through to the other side.
这就像把子弹射进充满水的容器一样,子弹的能量几乎都被那些缓慢移动的水分子吸收掉,因此无法从另一面贯穿而出。 |
It is like folding space and moving without moving.
这就像折叠空间或不动之动。 |
It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened.
21好像面酵,有妇人拿去藏在三斗面里,直到全团都发了酵。 |
It is like the face of a clock, bereft of its hands.
就象是时钟停止了它的脚步。 |
It is like trying to approach God, for Moldorf is God – he has never been anything else.
这就像企图接近上帝一样,因为莫尔多夫就是上帝—他本来就是上帝。 |
It is like water pouring into me and purifying my heart again.
就好像一股水流浇在我身上,再度洁净我心。 |
It is likely that Atlantis was the land of the Minoan culture, namely ancient Crete and Thera.
传说中的亚特兰蒂斯很可能是克里特文明的国土,也就是古代希腊和提拉文明。 |
It is likely that football can hinder the women's football development in China.
因此传统文化很可能成为影响我国女子足球运动发展的深层次原因。 |
It is likely that in excess of 90% of the literally thousands of different basic organic chemicals employed today are derived from these sources.
当今所应用的上千种不同的基本有机化学产品中很可能有超过90%的产品来自这些资源。 |