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Business schools do not understand the kind of differentiation that the companies have been making.

Business related training and evangelization. 业务相关的培训和传教.
Business results occur when skills taught during a training activity are applied on the job, thereby improving job performance. “当培训中传授的技能适用工作时,就会产生结果,从而改进工作绩效。”
Business risks that were once seen as a lumpy fact of life are now routinely sliced up and packaged into combinations that generally suit issuers and investors alike. 曾一度被认为是人生迭宕起伏的真实写照的商业风险,现在通常被分散后再重新组合成分别适合证券发行者和投资者的资产组合。
Business robber barons were replaced by ‘technocrats,’ high-salaried managers who became the heads of corporations. 商业强盗大王被技术统治者,即成为公司领导者的高薪经理取而代之。
Business rule violations: These could be data entry errors, such as the user entering alpha characters into a numeric field, or they could be more complex business logic issues, such as attempting to delete an order line item for an order that has already 违反业务规范的错误:这类可能是数据录入的错误,就像把一个希腊字符输入一个数值型的字段中;更或者,所犯的错误违背了业务上的某些准则,比方说试图去删除一个已经发货的订单。
Business schools do not understand the kind of differentiation that the companies have been making. 商学院不理解公司一直在进行的这种区分。
Business scope : manufacture and sales of homogeneous board, wood board and furniture, trade of farm products, consultation and service about board technology. 公司的经营范围:均质板、木质板、家具制造、销售、农副产品贸易;板业技术咨询、服务。
Business scope: receiving all the travel services, tour groups and fragment travelers at home and abroad; organizing tour groups to travel; undertaking conferences and meetings; international and domestic air ticketing, train and boat ticketing, and other 公司目前的主要业务:接待国内外各旅行社、合作单位来京旅游团体及散客;组织到全国各地的旅游团体及散客;承办各种行业、档次的会议和专项、特色旅游,代订机、车、船票,提供其它委托代办服务。
Business secrets in this Article refer to the technical information and operational information which is not known to the public, which is capable of bringing economic benefits to the owners of the rights, which has practical applicability and which the o 本条所称的商业秘密,是指不为公众所知悉、能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。
Business service industry is the result of a deepening division of labor in society at a certain stage of social and economic development. 摘要商务服务业是社会经济发展到一定阶段社会进一步分工的产物。
Business service: shipping agent, Accompany to Order Goods, follow up with orders and Cargo Storage. 业务范围:外贸,货运代理,陪客采购,代客跟单,货物储运。

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