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Feng is moved and can't speak even a word at that moment, the only thing he can promise in heart is to give off his best in return.

Feng Zikai proposed the mass ait educational concept of serving the broad masses, reflecting the realistic content of art education and observing the principle of being natural and children - appreciated, which has not only exercised profound influence on 丰子恺所提倡的大艺术教育观,面向大众、反映现实的艺术教育内容以及顺乎自然、发乎童心的艺术教学原则,不仅在中国近代艺术教育史上具有重要影响,而且对当今艺术教育的实施也有可借鉴的意义。
Feng Zikai's Cartoon is a spectacle in drawing kingdom, it exists forever in the hundred flowers garden of Chinese national art by its unique implicit sense and deep content seeing big from little. 丰子恺先生的漫画,作为绘画界的一株奇葩,以其独特的韵味,小中见大的深刻内涵,永远存活在中华民族艺术的百花园中!
Feng also has a new beautiful girlfriend, Fang. (风也有了一个新的漂亮女友,芳。
Feng hesitates and unseals the letter with great courage finally. Each word is like the voice of Ye around him with care. (风犹豫了一下终于鼓起勇气打开了信封。每一个字呈现在眼前,好像叶关切的声音犹在耳边响起。)
Feng is a smart boy, who learned much faster than others and often find some short-cut to do any thing. (风是一个非常聪明的孩子,他学得比其他任何人都要快,并且经常能够发现捷径去完成一些事情。
Feng is moved and can't speak even a word at that moment, the only thing he can promise in heart is to give off his best in return. (风感动的一句话也说不出来,他唯一能做的就是在心中下定决心尽所有力量去努力来回报叶的信任。
Feng is upset and try to explain. 风沮丧的试图解释着。)
Feng rushes into another hospital in the other side of the town. A strong foreboding around his mind, it pushes him out of breath and drives him mad. (风冲进了在城市另一边的医院。一种强烈的不祥预感围绕着他,压得他喘不过气来,压得他快要发疯了。)
Feng shui is increasingly becoming accepted in the West as a way of increasing business prosperity and maintaining health, harnessing(5) the universal energy of life, or qi, to create a harmonious(6) environment. 西方世界越来越接受风水,他们认为风水可以增加物质财富、保持身体健康,还能利用宇宙间的生命能量,也就是“气”,来创造和谐的环境。
Feng teaches Ye to play games, do some exercise and write love letters to girl; while Ye does what he can to help Feng on studies and prepare for examinations. (风教会叶玩游戏,做些锻炼,甚至给女孩子写情书;而叶则在学业上面尽力帮助风去学习和应付考试。
Feng's adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, The Banquet is every inch an epic scaled art film - deeply theatrical, stunningly beautiful, filled with intriguing contradictions, and a surprisingly faithful adaptation of the source material. 冯小刚根据莎士比亚戏剧哈姆雷特改编的夜宴是一部彻头彻尾的古装艺术电影--强烈的舞台化,惊人的美丽,充满了迷人的戏剧冲突,以及对原著改编惊人的忠实度。

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