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Though external cause is important, granted the ease wind is ery strong, if you don't open your window, the wind cannot blow in.

Though effective accounting reform has yet to take place in any of the developing nations, U.S. business executives evaluating investments abroad can check whether those companies have cross-listed their stocks in jurisdictions where there are penalties f 尽管会计制度改革尚未在发展中国家开展起来,美国的公司总裁们在评估海外投资计划的时候,应核验被投资公司的股票是否曾在其它能依法对不遵守上述规定的公司进行严惩的地区上市。
Though efforts to identify a building or structure of this size have not yielded any results. 虽然努力确定建筑物或构筑物这种规模没有取得任何结果.
Though ethnic minorities make up less than 10% of the resident population, Britain is one of the easiest countries to enter, despite its insistence (often quoted as evidence of insularity) on maintaining border controls within the EU. 尽管少数民族占总居住人口不到10%,不论作为欧盟的一员,它如何严守边防(这常常被引申为岛国排外的证据),英国都是最方便入境的国家之一。
Though every case is different, nearly all center on one overarching question: What should the protagonist do? 虽然案例各个不同,但问题的中心都是类似的:案例中的主角应该怎么做?
Though expressed out of the best intentions to help, they may be erroneous or detrimental. 先在论坛呆一段时间,让我们大家都熟悉熟悉你吧。
Though external cause is important, granted the ease wind is ery strong, if you don't open your window, the wind cannot blow in. 虽然外因很重要,但东风再强劲,如果房间的窗户不打开,风也吹不进去。
Though external cause is important, granted the ease wind is very stron, if you don\'t open your window, the wind cannot blow in. 虽然外因很重要,但东风再强劲,如果房间的窗户不打开,风也吹不进去。
Though external cause is important, granted the ease wind is very strong, if you don't open your window, the wind cannot blow in. 虽然外因很重要,但东风再强劲,如果房间的窗户不打开,风也吹不进去。
Though failed more than once, he doesn't lose heart. 虽然失败不止一次,他没有泄气。
Though far inferior to a breakthrough in the Doha talks, the South Korea deal could shore up Mr Bush's free-trade record. 尽管离多哈谈判突破还有很长一段路要走,但是韩国协定可以为布什无所作为的自由贸易履历雪中送炭。
Though fond of many acquaintances, I desire an intimacy only with a few. 我虽然喜欢广交朋友,却只愿跟少数知己亲密来往。

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